Friday, November 13, 2009

MOhammed the Immortal!

Today is a HUGE day in Mo-dome. It's true, MOhammed is now immortal! Low and behold, my driver's license renewal notice showed up today, in the month of Movember. Coincidence? I think not. So despite the two months I have until expiry I of course rushed off to the registry office to impose MOhammed's will on the space-time continuum.

MOhammed will be with us all until 2015, preserved on my driver's license for bouncers, waitresses, cops, money lenders and creditors everywhere. Congratulations to all those that have the privilege of ID'ing me in the next 5 years.

Also, a big thanks to MOhammed's most recent donors: Marcia, Sister Franny, Louis and Cousin David! Together we've now broken the $300 mark!

And if anyone wants two free tickets to the Calgary Mo-Gala, let me know asap and I'll order 'em up for you!

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