Thursday, October 1, 2009

We cheat. Join us. Girls Welcome.
We are the Snow-Mos. Last year there were only three of us on team Snow-Mo, and we certainly need to do better than that this year. If you're committed to Movember, you can join us, or at least support one of us with a Movember donation.

We cheat
Our Mo's were a little on the meager side last year (read pathetic). To combat this, we've decided to cheat this year. We don't want to hear about morals and ethics. We're going to cheat and there is no convincing us otherwise. So on October 1st we have officially start Beardtober and Goatober. We won't have Mos until Movember, but we're damn well going to have big bushy beards or goatees (read spindly, sparse facial hair) on the morning of Movember 1st when we shave 'em down to Mos.

Join Us
So join us. Start growing a beard or goatee immediately so you're ready for Movember. Even if you have ethics, we'll still take you, because we don't. So if you want to wait until Movember 1st like a good little girl or boy and then start growing, we'll still take you. Our only condition on Snow-Mo membership is that you don't let a razor touch your upper lip in the month of Movember, and that you think up a really, really witty name for said Mo.

Girls Welcome
You can join us even if you don't have Mo growing abilities. You would then be what we call a Mo-Sister (men need not apply). You can also raise money for the cause and call yourself a Snow-Mo. You don't even have to love Mo's to join us.

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